Luke Tatham is an aspiring, young filmmaker with a particulair flair for telling the stories you want to see.
Luke was never visually creative in his youth. He did however, enjoy creative writing and could always picture a story well in his head. Having been more analytical at the time, it was easier to think rather than to do. Upon discovering a first generation GoPro he decided to try and make films outside with his friends. It’s taken hard work, a desire to learn and watching nearly every YouTube video ever created to come to where he is now.
Graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Film and Video from Billy Blue College of Design, Luke is a capable, versatile filmmaker with an understanding of every aspect of film production from start to finish. He is passionate about documentaries and outdoor adventure films and is crazy enough to try just about anything. Need someone to rappel off a cliff? He’s your guy. Need someone who will swim out in large surf with nothing but a pair of flippers? You guessed it, he’s your guy.
Luke’s goal is to work in an environment conducive to his skillset. As a motivated people person, he enjoys collaboration, learning from others and wants to push himself to see how far he can take his journey.